Friday, 7 March 2014

The light!!

The light:

I heard him distinctly. I know it was him, his voice, his silhouette, my uncle from Canada. But how could it be, that he be here with us, all of a sudden? I could hear   some voices coming from the sitting room. My aunt, my mother and someone else were talking. I could discern them perfectly but despite all this rationality, I felt     helpless, helpless in a way I cannot narrate. It was a queer sense of being strangled, of being caged inside free air. My eyes, yes, something was irreparably wrong with my eyes, I could not see. Light from an unknown distant source blinded me, my eyelids seemed jammed shut. I saw myself climbing some steps. A voice coming from behind, stopped me and the paraphernalia in my arms fell over the ground. It was my Uncle, he wanted me to make him some basen (gram flour) chapatis. I realized I was on my way to the kitchen. I bent down to pick up the fallen over stuff but my eyes would not see. My Uncle was asking me something I could no longer concentrate on. With the air inside my lungs getting thinner and thinner and my sight almost fading I could barely stand, let alone move on. My limbs, my limbs were immobile!! All of this was happening too quickly for my faculties to comprehend and react. Motionless I stood, unable to see, to speak, to move, but I could still hear those sounds, sounds of people dear to me, my dear mother.  I could still sense the acerbity of the bright light stinging my face and gouging my eyes out. I was sweating like never before, drenched from head to toe in perspiration, struggling to let in puffs of air that had suddenly become foreign to me.  
The brightness became more vivid, and blindness forced my eyes open wide. I saw the sun, the blazing yellow ball of inextinguishable fire shining on my face from behind my partially open curtains. I discovered I had been sick and fallen asleep once again while trying to read my book. I breathed a breath of relief on having been dreaming and tried to shrug off the horrible lifeless sensation drowning my senses.
Ah!! Feverish dreams and the feel they accompany; conundrums incomprehensible!  

The very first thing I decided I would do after regaining my senses (lost somewhere in the dream), would be to shut the curtains and shoo away the shining star from my window. May be I just don’t need so much of light. 

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