Monday, 22 February 2016

Row your boat!

Marvellously written are certain rhymes such as this one, subtle yet penetrating, simple yet full of profundity.

Row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream....

A message for life this little poem holds. And how cursorily its approached by us! Its so close to reality, in fact  a portrait of life this actually is. Each one of us , a wayfarer, on a boat, with a responsibility. We got to keep going but gently with care and happily because its just a journey we got to complete and all along be grateful for the blessings we have been blessed with unconditionally.

Rock, rock, rock your boat gently down the stream, if you see a crocodile don't forget to scream...

A warning against all dangers that can in different forms visit the travellers of life. And to such dangers one can and rationally one should call out for help. If not help but scream we must to ward off other travellers coming down the same route. Isn't this again a noble task we ought to carry out and reconfirm ourselves as the most blessed and sophisticated species on earth?

Row row row your boat gently to the shore, if you see a lion don't forget to roar...

There may befall certain events where we needn't lose our balance. Instead we got to stand tall and combat the tremors ransacking our life. These are the times when we got to hold fast to the rope of hope God has let down and  fight!  Like a champion!

Such beautiful words, embellished with jewels of wisdom deserve significant amount of praise. If only we could help our children grasp this message while singing and dancing to this rhyme, they might learn something about how to row their boats.